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Take Me Back Tuesday | Life Lately, As Told By My iPhone

Well, Internet, I have failed again. Yesterday’s post fell to the wayside as I was making my way back from sunny Florida. I had the privilege of photographing a wedding in St. Petersburg, FL this past Sunday and it was just plain wonderful. Seriously, it was an absolute treat to spend the weekend with sweet people, the Florida bay and my dear old friend, Mr. Sun. I soaked up a lot of it and had a blast shooting the wedding (more to come on that soon). Unfortunately, in the chaos of getting back, my ‘consistent’ Monday post ended up not being so consistent. It will be back though! Until then, in honor of today’s Take Me Back post, I had to let my iPhone do a little bit of the talking. I have been ALL over the place these last few weeks and so I thought I’d clue you in a bit to my adventures. While I adore my Canon 5D Mark III, I have to admit that just using my handy-dandy iPhone is really wonderful sometimes. After all, it weighs a LOT less. I’ve spent the last five days in Orlando, Fl (visiting my preggo sis and of course getting a short run in with Mickie) as well as my favorite little Florida town, St. Petersburg. St. Pete is probably one of my most favorite cities in the U.S. If you haven’t been, you should. It’s a quaint Gulf-side city complete with gorgeous views, wonderful people and the most wonderful little downtown. If I’m being honest, I have an itch to move there but we will see. As I look through this pics, one thing is made very clear. I am a blessed woman. I don’t deserve such blessings but I am so thankful for them!

So, in the name of iPhones, beaches, Mr. Sun and crazy travel,

I Say, Take Me Back!

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Joy’s Bridals | Dallas Wedding Photographer


Well, Internet, I am writing to you from what I wish was sunny Florida. Unfortunately, it is just Florida but who is complaining!?! I am here this weekend for the wedding of a sweet couple and happy to enjoy a few days of ‘vacay’ while I’m at it. In the mean time, I am so excited to show you some bridals of a sweet bride that got married last weekend. The hardest thing about bridals is that you have to wait to share them! I can hardly stand it! Joy and Jordan got married this past weekend and I am anxious to show you some of my favs from their wedding. Joy’s family owns a beautiful ranch about an hour south of Dallas and so we headed out a month or so ago to take some pictures on her property. It was a photographer’s dream, let me tell you! I hardly knew places like that existed within 3 hours of Dallas! It was a refreshing retreat from the city and Joy and her mother made my job a lot of fun! Here are a few of my favorites…

Happy Friday!


Joy’s sweet father passed away and was very dear to her. From what she and her mother described, he was a true cowboy. We had to honor him in some way so they brought his hat with them and we incorporated it some. So meaningful.  Such a beautiful bride!

Bekah - April 5, 2013 - 5:47 pm

Great job, Mar!! Love these and so pumped to see the rest from the wedding. And to see you this weekend!!! Love you and your oh-so-talented self!!

McKenzie - April 6, 2013 - 2:15 pm

These are wonderful, Mary! I think the B&W with the trees is my favorite – so much depth; such a good image! She is a beautiful bride and these are beautiful images!

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Take Me Back Tuesday | Easter Celebrations

For those of you who follow the blog regularly, I apologize. It is my goal every week to blog Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Typically I am successful but every once in a while…it just doesn’t happen. Yesterday was spent at the dentist office and then at my parent’s house getting help from my father on this thing that we all love called taxes. Riveting I know. Anyway, still check in every Monday, Tuesday and Friday!!!

On a different note, last weekend was a special holiday! EASTER! What a significant day of celebration that we so often ‘Pass’over… See what I did there?!?! Oh dear, I crack myself up. In seriousness though, it is one of my favorite holidays because it is the MOST significant holiday. Christmas is wonderful but without the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, his birth is meaningless. I hope that you had a wonderful holiday weekend and whether or not you celebrate Easter in the name of Jesus, I pray that you at least considered what it all meant. I called my mom a couple of weeks ago and told her I was coming home for Easter Sunday and she was beside herself with excitement. For real. When I told her that I’d be bringing my roommates, she was even more excited. She immediately said, “Oh my goodness, I never thought I’d be given such a gift! We will HAVE to dye easter eggs!”  So, as we did when we were kids, we dyed us some beautiful eggs. What a strange but fun tradition. I’d like to tell you that mine were the coolest but I’m afraid my artistic roommate, Julie, won out one that one.

Not only was it a day of celebration in the name of Christ’s resurrection, but my roommates and I finished our 30 day Paleo diet challenge and were able to devour everything that is wonderful in life…food-wise of course. After having denied our cravings for the last 30 days and only eating ‘clean’ foods, we were anxious to CELEBRATE! We started the day with wedding cake (leftover from Saturday’s wedding), added in a coke after church and then partook of delicious Easter candy as the day progressed. Sugar coma soon followed. It was glorious. (See thumbs up pic at the end to see how proud we are of ourselves)

So, in the name of dyed Easter eggs, sugar comas and our glorious Savior,

I Say, Take Me Back!

My sister and her hubby.

Roomies!!! So proud of us for completing our challenge!

Beth - April 2, 2013 - 3:57 pm

hmm, nice outfit 🙂 aren’t you grateful for prego sisters who can’t fit into their clothes anymore??

Jane - April 4, 2013 - 1:40 pm

Thanks for sharing these pics and your family’s celebration with our girls!

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Marissa + Mark | A White Rock Lake Engagement | Dallas, TX

Mary Fields Photography

They met 9 years ago as juniors in high school but their friendship took a whole new turn when she came home for Christmas break five years ago. Funny how time changes things. They started dating on New Year’s Eve and the rest is history. The first thing she noticed about him was his ‘kind smile that lights up the room.’ So fittingly, her smile is one of his favorite features as well. He makes her laugh, no matter what the situation, and she helps him stay grounded through life with her positive and motivating personality. Together, they are better than apart.

Mark and Marissa remind me that I am spoiled. Spoiled because I really do get to work with the greatest people. They found me online and so when we met to get to know one another, I had no idea what to expect. I was more than excited though when, after having spent 30 min with them, I discovered that they were incredibly kind, sweet and very much in love. When we met for their engagement session, they made my job so easy and were just wonderful to work with. Not to mention their family has been so sweet as well! I know I say it a lot, but well…it’s just true. I have the best clients. Mark and Marissa, thanks for being so easy-going and flexible. You made my job fun and easy! Can’t wait for your September wedding!

Enjoy some of my favs from their White Rock Lake e-shoot! Happy Friday!

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Take Me Back Tuesday: Winter, Spring and Blue Bonnets

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance…He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that He cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live.: – Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 4, 11,12

I love the seasons. Well…I love every one of them except for winter. Winter is the one I could do without. Generally I am not an exclusive person, always wanting to include everyone, but if I had the choice, winter would be excluded. Nixed. Done for. Deleted. However, at the end of the day…I don’t get a choice. Winter IS inevitable. It comes every year and unless you live along the Equator, you must endure it. Believe me, there have been times that I’ve wanted to move to the Equator to escape all that winter brings. And yet, I don’t leave. I stay and I endure it. Maybe it’s because I lack courage. Or maybe…maybe it’s because deep down I know that it is winter that gives full meaning and appreciation to spring. Without the leaves falling, the grass dying, the birds flying south for the winter and the bitter chill in the air…well, I probably wouldn’t get such a big smile on my face whenever I see the first blooms of spring. It wouldn’t bring me nearly as much joy when the sun comes out and my feet slip in to some old sandals. No, I must admit, winter has purpose.

As it is with everyone, there are seasons of my life that are harder than others. Seasons that are more challenging. Confusing. Heavy. Burdened. In the midst of those seasons it can be easy to feel like the Lord has forgotten me. Abandoned me to the cold deadness of winter. But in reality, it is those seasons that are the richest because they give the most meaning to seasons of joy. I was pondering this during a low point last week and in perfect ‘God-timed’ fashion, I heard one of my favorite songs. My favorite line goes like this: “In every season, You are still God, I have a reason to sing.”  No matter what ‘season’ I am in, not only is there purpose in it…but there is a reason to sing. I have been given the greatest gift. Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is that gift that enables me to sing and find purpose no matter what season I am in. You see, at the end of it all, that is my promise that spring is on its way…

I suppose I am becoming inundated with Texas traditions because this past weekend, on the way  back from an engagement shoot in College Station, TX…I had to stop and take pictures of the blue bonnets. Apparently everyone does it and they were too beautiful to resist. What a great reminder of the wonder of new life and the promise that we will indeed come out of winter!! Spring has begun to make its appearance in Texas and I couldn’t be happier! It is also Easter week which is yet another reminder of the joy that is found in Christ!

So, in the name of winter, seasons, blue bonnets and Easter,

I say, Take Me Back!

Beth Gilland - March 28, 2013 - 11:34 pm

These blue bonnets are stunning. But, not as stunning as you my dear sister. Amazed by your beauty and your trust in God. Nice to see some pics of you for a change 🙂 Love youz!

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