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Friday Tips and Tricks | How To Pick Your Photographer

Be it a wedding, your family portraits or the birth of your new child, you may find yourself looking for a photographer. Well, this may be a strange topic to write about since well….I AM a photographer but I think it’s a good topic to write about anyway. I am not soliciting business, however! Just educating. So, I was meeting with a potential client recently and was sharing with them my business philosophy on how to choose a photographer. As I was sharing it, I thought about how passionate I am about it and so of course…that meant I had to blog about it. So here I am.

When I first started my business, I was a photography blog-stalking CREEPER. Ok, not really because we all know that blog-stalking doesn’t count as real stalking. Duh. Or at least that’s what we tell ourselves so that we don’t feel weird. Anyway, stalked I did and in the plethora of photographers out there, I found a certain few that stood out and I kept coming back to their pages. There were about three or four of them and I began to realize that they all had one thing in common. That was that their personality came out strongly on their blog and in their work. It was in the way they shot, what they wrote about and especially the way they wrote. Basically, I wanted to be their best friend. I wanted to make friendship bracelets that said BFFL. Now before you start thinking I’m a crazy person, let me explain how I think this is super important and not psycho…

First of all, there are a LOT of photographers these days and a lot of them are very talented. If you are in the market for a photographer, you will quickly find that you have several options, obviously varying in the size of city you live in. However, what kept me coming back to their blogs was not the quality of work that they were producing, although that was part of it. What I loved about these photographers and what made me love their work was because of WHO they were. I felt like if we were to meet up for a cup of coffee or even do a photo shoot, I’d feel completely at ease. If there is one thing I have learned in my years of photography, it is that being photographed does NOT feel natural and the best way to make it natural, is to be photographed by someone you enjoy and trust. I cannot emphasize this enough. I especially believe this to be true when picking a wedding photographer because the photographer is with you more on your wedding day than anyone else and honestly, often times in the most intimate situations. Weddings tend to be naturally stressful days and you need someone with you who will not only DE-stress situations but also someone whom you will feel comfortable with in the midst of potential stress. I believe this so passionately that I flat-out tell my potential clients, if I’m not the photographer that they feel the most comfortable with then they shouldn’t book me! Dangerous some might say but I personally think it serves both parties well. This is why I strongly suggest meeting with your photographer before booking them, or at least having a Skype date. Oh, the beauty of modern technology.

So, as you are considering hiring a photographer be it weddings, family, newborn etc., make sure their work is something you like and admire, but also..and maybe more importantly…consider if you trust them and enjoy being in their presence. I promise it will make all the difference.

Happy Friday!

(Since every post is better with a picture, here is one of my favorite shots from a recent wedding. I love the expression on their faces as they make their grand exit. Pure joy!)

View More: http://maryfieldsphotography.pass.us/brown-wedding-4-5-14

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Behind the Lens | Officing In Miami | Tales of a Traveler

Sometimes you have to leave tropical paradise and you are sad about it but you are excited to get home. Then, sometimes your flight from Costa Rica to Miami is delayed over two hours due to maintenance. Then when you finally get to Miami you have to circle the airport due to weather delays for an hour and a half. Upon landing you find out that the airport is in utter chaos because for two hours that day the airport was closed because of a tornado warning. You find yourself wondering if you’ve ever heard of a tornado in Miami. Then you run through the airport trying to make your flight that leaves in 20 minutes. You race through customs, grab your luggage and then make it to the gate only to find your flight has left you and half of its passengers that have been running alongside you. Still out of breath, you head to the ticket counter to rebook your flight only to find that every other person in the airport has beat you there. So, you get out your tennis shoes from your suitcase as a gift to your feet and you wait. Judging by the length of the line you estimate about three hours of that very waiting. You run to the nearest Starbucks, the only thing that will make your waiting more bearable… well, that and a bunch of beef jerky that you would normally never eat but desperate times call for desperate measures. Thankfully a friend you are with is travel savvy and gets you in to a different line where you are able to rebook and get a hotel, avoiding almost two-thirds of that waiting time. Sadly though, you go outside to find that the last shuttle to the hotel has already left which makes sense considering the way the rest of your day has been going. So, you do the only thing you can do and you hop in a taxi, taking you through the city of Miami, finally crashing in to bed at 12:30 am.

Sometimes life is just crazy and all you can do is just laugh about it. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last 24 hours in this crazy travel saga as I am stranded in Miami until tonight. Good thing my work can be mobile. Right now I am blogging from my Holiday Inn bed as I recover from yesterday and chuckle to myself as I consider the adventures that Mary Fields Photography takes me on. Never a dull moment. As much as it has been a little nutty this week, I am so thankful that my job takes me to beautiful places and I’m even thankful that it takes me on adventures that lead to running through airports and waiting in lines. It all teaches me to be grateful and today…well, today I am grateful for it all.

Here’s to mobile offices in Miami…in Holiday Inns.

Happy Friday!



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Take Me Back Tuesday | A Sneak Peek of Paradise


Well, two things. First, this post will be very short. Second, the reason being that I am in Costa Rica!! Hola! And that my folks is about as far as I get with the Espanol…even though the University of Oklahoma took a good deal of my money to say that I got a minor in that very language. I’m brushing up on 5 hours of dormant spanish though as I’m spending the week here in Central America photographing a wedding. The wedding was yesterday and boy was it a dream. I was in photography heaven and couldn’t get enough. I can’t wait to share more images on the blog but until then I’ve given a few sneak peeks! Today’s Take Me Back post is really a DONT take me back kind of post! I love home…but this is hard to beat.

So, in the name of tropical destination weddings and photography heaven,

I Say, Don’t Take Me Back! weddingday2 weddingday1

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Dallas Engagement Photography | Alli + Darren


Oh these two. Such a fun duo and I felt so privileged to document this season of life for them. I first met Alli last summer as she was a bridesmaid in one of my summer weddings. I knew immediately that she was fun and such a joy! A few months later she emailed me and asked about learning about my business and photography in general as she was interested in pursuing it some herself. We met up for coffee and hit it off right away, laughing and sharing stories. She is really one of the easiest people to be around and so time passed by quickly. We chatted about business but also about life. It was then that I learned that she and Darren were wanting to get married, it was just a matter of time. Not too much later, he took her to the place where they had hung out for the first time. They had met on a work trip, totally unexpectedly, but hit it off fast. She had wanted to see the city and when her friend couldn’t go, he volunteered to show her around…smart move, Darren, smart move. After a series of events, they somehow found themselves at an old Kentucky Fried Chicken  (a funny story in and of itself) and that is the same place he knelt and asked her to be his bride. A place that held great sentiment and humor. The place where it had all began.

I was thrilled when she called me up to take some engagement pictures for them! These two are such a delight and I will forever remember climbing a fence with them in to a cow field, trying to figure out if we should be afraid of cows. Memory for the record books. Can’t wait to see how their story continues to unfold!

Enjoy some of my favs!

Happy Monday

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Friday Tips and Tricks | Why Bridals and How to Make the Most of Them


You’ve gotten that beautiful dress that made all of your family tear up when they saw you in it. You put it on and felt like it was made JUST FOR YOU. Now it is time to spend a few hours enjoying that dress and that bridal glow since you don’t get to wear it very long. Here are some tips on bridals to make the most of the experience.


Why bridals?-

1.     Trial run for wedding day- It’s a great way to make sure you love your hair and make-up before the real deal. I’ve had several brides make adjustments to their hair and makeup once they see it photographed. Also, sometimes my brides have made further alterations to their dress after doing bridals. Often times you have to be in the dress for more than a few minutes to know if it needs changes.

2.     It gives you the option to have a portrait displayed at the reception.

3.     You have a stunning dress that would be so sad to only wear once. Why not spend a few extra hours in it getting to take in the bridal glow!

View More: http://maryfieldsphotography.pass.us/castellaw-bridals-2014

Location for bridals-

1.     Like engagements, the location should fit YOUR personality as a bride, not what you’ve seen others do.

2.     Don’t be afraid to be different.

3.     Keep in mind the material of your dress and if it would snag easily. An open field may not be the best choice if your dress is overlaid in lace!


Scheduling for your bridals-

1.     Just like your engagements, the best time of day is the last 2 hours of daylight.

2.     Plan a day that you can take off work and enjoy the process. Don’t make it more stressful on yourself than necessary!


Overall Tips for Bridals-

1.     Get your hair and make up done! It’s worth it and will make a huge difference.

2.     Bring a bouquet- Without your groom to interact with, this is a great way to give your hands something to do! Plus, it adds great color.

3.     Bring a family member or a friend with you to help! You will be in a big white dress so your mobility will be limited! Plus, it’s a fun experience with those that you love.


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