Take Me Back Tuesday | No, Really. Take Me Back.

This morning, as I was brushing my teeth, it dawned on me. Oh yeah, it’s TUESDAY!!! I know what you are thinking. “Get it together, Mary. Don’t you know what day of the week it is?!?!” Well, Internet, in all honesty, being a wedding photographer kind of makes your days a bit fuzzy. My Saturdays are everyone else’s Mondays and so really, today feels like Thursday!!! Who knows. I try not to ponder the workings of my mind too much because then I might get scared.

Today’s TMBT post is real short because well…I really am Going Back!!! Tomorrow I will fly out for the great state of Florida (my second home) having not been there since October. The sun will be shining. The trees will be all ‘palmy.’ The Spanish moss will blow in the wind. I’ll probably even pick oranges straight off the tree…ok maybe I’m getting carried away but we can all dream. The best part of it all though, is that I will get to see my best friend in the whole world. My sister!!! She is 7 months pregnant and I can’t wait to see her and her pregnant little self. Tomorrow we will take some maternity photos (got to love having a photographer in the fan) and then she and I, along with her hubby, will load up in the car and head to Alabama. One of our dear friends is getting married! Beth will be a bridesmaid in all her pregnant glory and I have the privilege of shooting the rehearsal dinner. It’s going to be a Southern celebration. With an engagement session tonight and plenty of stuff to do in preparation, life is a little crazy around here. Even crazier than usual. The call of the tropics is keeping me going though…

So, in the name of palm trees, pregnant sisters, orange trees and the great state of Florida,

I Say, Take Me Back!

Beth and I went on a birthday cruise in April 2011 before she got married in February 2012. We took this picture on the beaches of the Bahamas and laughed cause she looked pregnant. I sent it to her as a joke a week before I found out she was pregnant. She laughed when I sent it knowing the truth…

This was a little over a year later….my how much can change in such a short time. Can’t wait to meet my little niece/nephew!

Ashante - March 12, 2013 - 4:42 pm

Awww, that’s so sweet! I can’t believe how fast time has gone by since I got to help shoot their wedding! 🙂 She looks absolutely lovely, both of you girls do.


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