Take Me Back Tuesday | Life Lately – As Told By My iPhone

Life lately has been, well…a bit crazy. My suitcase seems to be more my closet than the real thing and my car and I have gotten way too close. What I love about my job is that I can work pretty much anywhere and my work takes me just about anywhere. However, like everything in life, every fun side has a down side. Unfortunately, things aren’t really going to slow down much until after the holidays so I’m tying a ribbon on to my suitcase to make it cuter. I might even put curtains on my car. You know, to make it feel more ‘homey.’ I can’t complain though because life is still sweet and I’m still loving it! I mean after all, when work takes you to the beaches of Florida and the hills of Missouri, you better count your blessings. So, here’s a quick little review of the last month of my crazy life. Thanks to my iPhone, I can keep track of my travels without having to always have my heavy camera in hand. Apple makes life better.

So, in the name of iPhones, beaches, Autumn and craziness,

I say, Take Me Back!

Happy Tuesday!


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