Take Me Back Tuesday | A Child of the 90’s

It’s weird when you get to an age where you can date yourself. You know, look back and recognize what trends were popular in ‘your day.’ Sit around with your peers and say things that start with phrases like, “Remember wearing (insert crazy decade specific clothing item)?” Or, “Oh my gosh, I totally used to have one of those!” “We used to always….”

You get the picture. What’s even weirder though is when you are old enough to see those trends come back into style. Yeah, that’s a strange feeling. You have officially been around long enough for the cycle to come back around. White wash jeans anyone? Mmmhmm, they have made a comeback against all better judgment. All this to say, I am a child of the 90s. That really doesn’t feel like it was that long ago…like it was the decade before this one, right? Oh wait, nope that was over two decades ago. Sigh. Well, this week my roommate shared a video with me that just had to make an appearance on a Take Me Back post. Apparently Internet Explorer is ‘growing up’ and changing but not without first remembering their roots…the 90s. While I must admit I do not use IE, this video made me particularly endeared to them. And also to pogs, yo-yos, chia pets and my childhood. If you were a child of the 90s…I hope this walk down memory lane is sweet.

So, in the name of white wash jeans, slap bracelets, wind suits and the 90s,

I say, Take Me Back!

(Yes that is me with my sisters in about 1996. I am wearing American Flag shoes and a pink floral wind suit with a turtle neck. My prime, Internet. My prime. And to my sisters…I’m sorry for embarrassing you against your will.)


Bekah - January 29, 2013 - 4:25 pm

Oh my goodness, yes!!!! I’m guilty on almost every account! I just wish they’d included the plastic rings that made it easier to scrunch your shirt to the side. Remember those?!?! Thanks for taking me back, friend! And ps, I knew it was you in the red windsuit. Such a fashionista from a young age. 😉

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